Saturday, September 21, 2019

Weeping Tile: An Affordable Way To Secure Your Basement

Water is one of the most necessary elements in this earth but sometimes it causes problems and it stands true when the basement of a house is concerned. Experts have developed some measures to get rid of this water damage in the basement and weeping tile installation is one of them.

Frequent rainfall in the monsoon season can cause saturation of the surrounding soil at your house. Moreover, maintaining a green lawn in your front yard requires regular watering and it indirectly led to the deposition of water in the surrounding soil. Continuous soil erosion is a concerning factor as it causes the shifting of the home’s foundation that interferes in the structural integrity of the house. When the structural integrity is compromised it leads to cracks and basement leakage. To prevent these things happening foundation experts talk about installing weeping tile.

What is a weeping tile?

Weeping tile is not a regular tile; it is specially made for installing in the basement area. It enables a complex drainage system and subsequently safeguards your foundation from any possible water damage.

Also known as a French drain it is constructed to protect a building from the earth’s hydrostatic pressure. The exterior weeping tile is installed underground. This technique is innovated keeping in mind the earth’s gravity which causes water to go downward. The weeping tile method is thus utilized to keep the moisture at bay from the soil.

Types of weeping tile installation

Two types of weeping tile installation are performed, interior and the exterior. Interior weeping tile helps to manage the water that seeps into your home through walls, gaps, and cracks. On the other hand, the exterior weeping tile prevents the water before it attacks the foundation walls.  

Weeping tile installed in the interiors is an affordable solution and it helps to keep the basement area dry and comfortable. Homeowners prefer it because it cost only a few bucks. This is because no excavation work required, unlike exterior weeping tile. However if the interior weeping tile is not properly installed then it becomes necessary to protect your foundation from water damage through exterior weeping tiles.

 Weeping tile replacement and installation is done in the interiors or the exterior has its own pros and cons. When it is not possible to dig out the exterior of the house to make it waterproof, then the weeping tiles are installed in the interiors.

Concluding opinions

Weeping tile installation is an essential feature of a well-structured basement. It is integrated keeping in the mind the rotational activities of the earth as it moves and shifts its base over time causing a structure to shift from its original position. So, the main aim of installing weeping tile is to prevent water to come into your basement and cause damage to the foundation and ultimately giving you a healthy home. If you are looking for weeping Tile installation in Ottawa, first call an experienced professional for a general inspection. It helps him to decide what type of weeping tile installation your home requires as every home has a different foundation.

1 comment:

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